你可以在贝博体彩app湾区看到的职业运动 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
自2000年以来,甲骨文公园一直是贝博体彩app巨人队的主场. 来源:©2019 S.F. 巨人/ Wildman


贝博体彩app湾区一直都是比赛时间. 找出哪些球队将在你下次访问比赛.

It's always the right season for some type of professional sport in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here's a quick run-down of who's playing and when you can catch some of the action.


Regular season baseball starts in early April and runs until early October, 能让你在贝博体彩app温和的天气里享受比赛吗. +, 如果你的球队打进了季后赛, 你有机会再享受几天激动人心的时光. Baseball tickets can be purchased at each team's official MLB website or via a third-party vendor such as StubHub.

贝博体彩app职业棒球大联盟的球队是巨人队, who first played in New York (where they originated in 1883) before coming to San Francisco. The Giants played in San Francisco's iconic Candlestick Park from 1960 to 1999, 但他们在2000年搬到了甲骨文公园. This ballpark is centrally located and can be accessed by public transportation (Muni, Caltrain, 和渡轮). Even when the Giants aren't in town, you can still enjoy 甲骨文公园 with a 幕后之旅. The Giants won three World Championships within a five year span from 2010-2014 (winning in 2010, 2012, 还有2014 -偶数年的魔力).


穿过海湾, 你会找到奥克兰运动家队, 通常被称为奥克兰运动家队, who were founded in 1901 in Philadelphia and moved to Oakland in 1968. 他们在这本书和奥斯卡提名电影中备受关注 《点球成金,这表明这支获胜的团队是如何在有限的预算下组建起来的. The A's have played in the same stadium since 1968 that was once called the Oakland Coliseum but now goes by the name Ring Central Coliseum. The Coliseum can be reached by car, BART, Alameda County Transit or Capitol Corridor train.

从看台上眺望贝博体彩app甲骨文公园, with the baseball diamond in the foreground and San Francisco Bay in the background.
有视野的棒球 甲骨文公园. 信贷:@david._.keum


贝博体彩app人为他们欢呼 金州勇士队他是七届NBA总冠军. 1946年在费城成立, 球队在1962年更名为贝博体彩app勇士队,到1971年更名为贝博体彩app勇士队, they represented the entire state and relocated to Oracle Arena in Oakland. In 2019, 勇士队搬进了他们最先进的球馆, 追逐中心, 位于贝博体彩app的米申湾社区.

Basketball's regular season begins in October and ends around the middle of April. Tickets can be purchased at the team's website or at any ticket service for 追逐中心. 大通中心很容易到达公共交通友好, 因为它就在穆尼的第三街铁路旁边. 有关大通中心的更多信息,请 点击这里.



Football season begins with preseason games in August and runs until the Super Bowl in early February.

The San Francisco 49ers hold the honor of being the city's very first professional major-league sports team. The 49ers played their home games in San Francisco from 1946 to 2013, first at Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park and then at Candlestick Park. In 2014, the team moved 40 miles south to a spacious new home at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara. This venue can be easily reached by the Valley 运输 Authority light rail and city buses, as well as the Capitol Corridor train and Caltrain for a direct connection to San Francisco. Football games are almost never canceled, although they are occasionally moved or rescheduled. 

探索贝博体彩app49人队门票 & 套房出租

The San Francisco 49ers hold the honor of being the city's very first professional major-league sports team.


贝博体彩app湾区的曲棍球球迷追随圣何塞鲨鱼队, 国家冰球联盟的一支球队. The regular season runs from early October to April, followed by the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Sharks play in San Jose's SAP Center in the heart of 硅谷. 加州火车将贝博体彩app的冰球球迷直接带到场馆, 而ACE和VTA巴士则沿着许多本地路线提供访问. 粉丝们也可以从国会走廊的火车上进入会场, arriving at Diridon Station directly across the street from the Pavilion. 鲨鱼队以其戏剧性的入场而闻名, which involves lowering a 17-foot shark mouth with flashing red eyes from the ceiling.


San Jose is also home to the Bay Area's only Major League Soccer team, the San Jose Earthquakes. 他们在1996年成立时最初被称为冲撞乐队, 这支球队是美国职业足球大联盟的10个创始成员之一. They play in San Jose's PayPal Park, and their season runs from early March to late October. Visibility in the stadium is exceptionally good because the seat rise is the steepest of any soccer stadium in Major League Soccer. 贝宝公园还拥有北美最大的户外酒吧.


Inside San Francisco's 追逐中心 for a 金州勇士队 Game.
追逐中心 has been the home of the 金州勇士队 since 2017. 信贷:@_monicachan

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.