Dr. 马丁·路德·金.'s Living Legacy in San Francisco and the Bay Area | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
马丁·路德·金. 纪念
马丁·路德·金. 芳草地花园的纪念碑.

Dr. 马丁·路德·金.'s Living Legacy in San Francisco and the Bay Area

参观贝博体彩app和整个海湾地区的这些地方,接触到博士的历史影响. 王.

尽管湾区在20世纪五六十年代的民权运动中发挥了重要作用, many people don’t associate this part of the country with the legacy of Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 但“美国的先知”不仅是 度过他的夏天 as a teenager at his cousin's home in San Francisco’s Western Addition neighborhood, but several of the most important moments in Dr. 马丁·路德·金将现代社会转变为一个“被爱的社区”的神圣运动就是在这里举行的.

作为一个一直处于文化变革前沿的城市,以其接受和承诺平等的传统而闻名, 贝博体彩app荣誉博士. 金在很多层面上的远见. Artists and activists across the Bay Area have continued to pursue his dream, 而在贝博体彩app,著名诗人玛雅·安杰洛(Maya Angelou)也在其居民之列, 民权运动领袖卡尔顿. Goodlett, even the first self-made Black millionaire, Mary Ellen Peasant.

为了深入挖掘Dr. 马丁·路德·金.’s legacy in the Bay Area, check out these sites.



Dr. 当金被选为蒙哥马利改善协会(MIA)主席时,他从一个小镇的传教士变成了全国的焦点人物。. 这个组织的成立是为了支持和扩大整个美国南部的公共汽车抵制运动, sparked by Rosa Parks’s refusal to give up her seat to a white man in 1955.

仅仅六个月后, 金来到贝博体彩app,在全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)的年会上发表演讲 大礼堂. 听了Dr。. 王, the NAACP decided to back the boycotts and lawsuits with their legal defense fund; and in December 1956, 最高法院发布了具有里程碑意义的裁决,认为公共汽车上的种族隔离违反了第14修正案.

Now named after famous Bay Area music promoter Bill Graham, 这座庄严的礼堂坐落在 市民中心, kitty-corner from San Francisco’s majestic City Hall and the 亚洲艺术博物馆, which holds the country’s largest collection of artifacts from the Far East. Built in 1915 as part of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 比尔·格雷厄姆礼堂仍然是贝博体彩app许多顶级音乐会和活动的举办地. You can reach it easily by taking BART, Muni Metro, or the historic F线有轨电车 到文娱中心.



1964年,也就是罗斯福博士. 金被授予诺贝尔和平奖, the now internationally famous civil rights leader came to San Francisco on a mission. He 旅行ed here for the Republican Party’s presidential nominating convention, 发生在 牛宫. 杰基·罗宾逊也出席了, the first black baseball player to play in Major League Baseball, 打破了这项运动几十年的种族隔离.

这两位革命家参加大会是为了争取对约翰·F·肯尼迪总统提出的新民权法案的支持. 前一年的肯尼迪. After Kennedy’s assassination, the Act remained in limbo. Dr. 王 and Robinson failed to convince the Republican leadership to support the Act; but they saw success later that same year, 当时民主党人林登. Johnson won the presidency and Congress passed the historic legislation into law.

位于戴利市的大型室内竞技场, 就在贝博体彩app南部, 牛宫建于1941年. It has played host to a wide range of different sporting events, 商业惯例, 马戏团, 音乐会, 以及历史上的节日活动. 你可以乘9路公共汽车去那里.



1965年,博士. 金回到了贝博体彩app. This time it was not to push for a particular cause or legislation, but to commemorate the opening of the city’s most iconic church, 格雷斯大教堂经过40年的建设.

在祝圣演说中. 金借此机会奠定了他更深层次的精神观点的关键点在这个观点中,所有的人类都是相互联系的并被绑在一个“命运的外衣”上. 那天,将近五千人挤在新建的大楼里听他讲话.

栖息在…的顶端 头山, 格雷斯大教堂 is a French Gothic masterpiece complete with two labyrinths, 精致的彩色玻璃, gold-plated doors modeled after the “Doors of Paradise” of the Duomo in Florence, 意大利. This functioning Episcopal Church also offers a robust cultural calendar, has hosted everyone from Duke Ellington to Art Garfunkel, 谁在这里录了一张专辑. It is also home to the Keith Haring AIDS 纪念, a powerful testament to lives lost in a different pandemic. 你可以乘地铁去格蕾丝大教堂 加州街缆车.

Visit 格雷斯大教堂, one of the iconic landmarks found in 头山.


民权运动和反战情绪在全美学生中日益高涨,尤其是在贝博体彩app湾区. 1967年,金再次到访. Speaking in packed auditoriums at both 斯坦福和加州大学伯克利分校, 金提出了他的激进愿景 “真正的平等”, which would eradicate poverty and hunger in America, also expressed what many of the time considered to be 有争议的观点 about the United States' role in the Vietnam War.



斯坦福大学位于贝博体彩app以南约20分钟路程的帕洛阿尔托镇. 这座华丽的校园是由建筑师弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德(Fredrick Law Olmsted)设计的 马丁·路德·金. 研究与教育学院. 在这里,你可以浏览“国王文件”,这是一个广泛收集的与博士有关的文件. 王, 包括 the original “I Have a Dream” speech. You can get to 斯坦福大学 by taking CalTrain to the Palo Alto Transit Center.



Located just across the bay from San Francisco, 加州大学伯克利分校是加州大学系统的创始校区,被广泛认为是美国顶尖的公立大学之一. 游客到翠绿的,庞大的,历史悠久的校园应该停下来看看 马丁·路德·金. 建筑, which was originally constructed in 1961 by architect Vernon DeMars. To get to 加州大学伯克利分校, ride BART to the Downtown Berkeley station.


而博士. 王 may have never visited some of these other locations, 然而,他们充满了这种记忆.

马丁·路德·金. 芳草地花园的纪念碑


Visitors should not miss the memorial waterfall that enshrines some of Dr. 国王在芳草地上最鼓舞人心的名言,这也是计划中的未来地点 马丁·路德·金社会正义中心及画廊. Built in 1993 and designed by sculptor Houston Conwill, along with poet Estella Majoza and architect Joseph De Pace, it’s the second largest memorial to 马丁·路德·金. 在乡下).

名为“启示”, the memorial also features a garden above the waterfall, where plants from all of San Francisco’s sister cities around the world are grown. 瀑布内部, 哪个流入120,000加仑反射池, the sounds of the city slip away and leave you in a spirit of contemplation.

每年的1月15日, 贝博体彩app举办了一场从第四街和布莱恩特街的加州火车站到芳草地花园的游行, where an interfaith coalition of spiritual leaders commemorate 王’s birthday. 滑翔乐团, a jazz band-backed gospel choir from San Francisco’s most iconic church, 空气中充满了庆祝的声音.


马丁·路德·金. 自由中心


1995年由奥克兰社区组织者在民权活动家Ira Jinkins的领导下成立, 马丁·路德·金. 自由中心 is now an important part of the Bay Area social justice landscape. Now partnering with several 东湾 community colleges, 该中心率先发起教育和社区主导的倡议,旨在提升北加州最脆弱的高贫困社区.



其中之一 最大的影响 马丁·路德·金.’s development was mystic, preacher, civil rights leader Howard 男子名). 不仅博士. 当瑟曼还是波士顿学院的神学教授时,金参加了瑟曼的几次演讲, 但博士. 据报道,马丁·路德·金在瑟曼对基督教充满正义的看法中找到了非暴力抵抗蒙哥马利公共汽车抵制运动的灵感.

男子名), 他曾在印度与甘地会面,讨论印度独立斗争的原则,以及美国黑人如何采用同样的策略, 1944年搬到贝博体彩app. He established 世界各国人民联谊教会, 谁想要创造一个跨种族的, 跨文化, 以及包罗万象的精神社区. 瑟曼于1981年去世,但他的俄罗斯山教堂和活跃的会众仍在继续.

The church is a short walk from Muni bus stops and the 鲍威尔海德缆车.


海洋Malandra was born in San Francisco and grew up in the 北海滩 neighborhood. 报道食品的自由记者, 旅行, 还有环境, he has been published in more than 30 different media outlets, 包括 7 x7杂志, , Mongabay, 今日美国旅游, 地球岛杂志, 文化之旅, 抛物线杂志, High Times杂志, 粘贴杂志.
