The Guide to San Francisco's Michelin-Starred Restaurants | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Angler, a Michelin-starred restaurant, sits along the Embarcadero with views of the bay.

The Guide to


贝博体彩app是烹饪人才的温床,在这里逗留期间,想知道在哪里享用为数不多的美食可能是一项挑战. 做出这个决定更加困难? 我们拥有丰富的米其林星级餐厅. Yes, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区有令人羡慕的收藏, two-, and three-star honorees—more so than any other destination in the Americas. 但不要感到不知所措. 我们创建了这个快速简单的贝博体彩app最佳指南,这样你就可以决定在哪里放纵.

New and Notable

7 Adams

由当地著名厨师Serena和David Fisher制作, 7 Adams offers diners an elevated tasting menu experience at a fraction of the usual cost. Its $87, five-course menu includes such delectable dishes as roasted cauliflower cavatelli, seared black cod, and wagyu beef tongue. As the most recent SF addition to Michelin's California dining guide, 亚当斯很快就成了城里最热门的座位.

Eat At 7 Adams
Two Stars


1722 Sacramento St.

你会在诺布山的Acquerello餐厅找到美味的意大利菜. 一个社区机构已经有30多年了, 多年来,Acquerello一直在为卓越设定标准. 他们的第一个米其林荣誉是在2007年.

Eat at Acquerello
One Star


132 Embarcadero

面向海湾大桥和金银岛, 昂格勒餐厅的景色仅次于米其林星级海鲜. 他们的生吧供应各种最新鲜的牡蛎, 他们的酒吧里有非常多的葡萄酒, beers, and cocktails.

Eat at Angler
New and Notable

Anomaly SF

2600 Sutter St.

这家曾经的快闪餐厅如今在太平洋高地(Pacific Heights)的中心地带永久入驻, with head chef Mike Lanham opening his first brick and mortar restaurant. 品尝菜单提供了一个10道菜的用餐体验,围绕着使用时令食材精心制作的现代主义菜肴. Lanham’s experimental take on cooking brings us the famous “egg-snack,这在Anomaly是必须尝试的.

Eat at Anomaly
One Star


816 Folsom St. 

主厨彼得·海姆斯利通过强调海鲜采购透明度的重要性,重新设计了传统的海鲜用餐体验. 每10道菜包括一个独特的调制和完美准备一口新鲜的海鲜, 以及当地养殖鱼类的采购历史.  

Eat at Aphotic
Three Stars

Atelier Crenn

3127 Fillmore St.

Iron Chef winner Dominique Crenn has created a personal atelier (workshop) where exquisite, local ingredients merge with European techniques to create "poetic culinaria." In 2019, Atelier Crenn获得米其林第三颗星, putting the restaurant and Chef Crenn herself in truly elite company. Open for dine-in service.

Eat at Atelier Crenn
One Star


1552 Fillmore St.

将高雅的食物与有趣的氛围结合在一起, 艾弗里认为,一顿优雅的晚餐应该是活泼而轻松的, never hushed. 他们的单品菜单的九门课程提供了充满活力和创意的菜肴,庆祝全球风味和时令农产品, 而他们的饮品则是稀有而独特的清酒, as well as Champagnes.

Eat at Avery
New and Notable


1560 Fillmore St.

In March 2023, 《贝博体彩app》给出了一些出人意料的推荐, singling out six California restaurants that true foodies should have on their radar. Among them was Bansang, 这是一家位于贝博体彩app的韩国餐厅,将各种食材与传统菜肴融合在一起,做出美味的饭菜. The tapas-style menu means that you and your dining companion can sample multiple dishes. 

Eat at Bansang
One Star

Bar Crenn

3131 Fillmore St.

另一家由大厨多米尼克·格伦掌舵的餐厅, 这个邻近的地方与其说是餐厅,不如说是酒吧. However, its tasting menu and a la carte selections include some enviable vegetable and seafood dishes.

Eat at Bar Crenn
Three Stars


22 Hawthorne St.

厨师科里·李的杰作在Benu的灵感是混合传统和正宗的口味与新的和美味的机会,从开放的思想. Another three-star honoree, Benu's tasting menu must be experienced to be believed.

Eat at Benu
Two Stars


1085 Mission St.

在Birdsong的12道菜的品尝菜单总是在变化,以最好的赏金的季节. 厨师的桌子提供柜台座位,让您在用餐期间观看厨房的动作.

Eat at Birdsong
Two Stars


355 11th St.

For the most elevated and elegant Mexican cuisine, make a reservation at Chef Val M. 坎图的使命餐厅,加州. 甜点的选择总是在变化,但你永远不会错点菜单上的任何东西.

Eat at Californios
New and Notable


1700 Fillmore St. 

主厨Srijith Gopinathan开Copra是为了向他在印度西南部的家乡喀拉拉邦致敬. 小到小到拼盘, Copra的菜单围绕着餐厅的名字和一种常见的印度西南部食材:椰子.

Eat at Copra
New and Notable



位于普雷西迪奥郁郁葱葱的隐居,你会发现达利达. Drawing inspiration from the culinary traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean, 达利达提供各种各样的菜肴, from the flaky and cheesy borek to the succulent short rib kebabs with sweetbreads. 

Eat at Dalida
New and Notable

Friends Only

1501 California St. 

This omakase experience isn’t one of San Francisco’s hardest reservations to get for no reason. Head Chef Ray Lee is well known in the area for his restaurant Akiko’s. Available reservation slots are first sent to those on the Akiko's email list (hence the name), and then posted on Tock. 

Eat at Friend's Only
One Star

Gary Danko

800 North Point St.

有一个可访问的品尝菜单和灵活的主菜单,让您建立自己的烹饪冒险, it's clear why Gary Danko has been a Fisherman's Wharf staple for decades.

Eat at Gary Danko
New and Notable

HK Lounge Bistro

1136 Folsom St. 

Years after the tragic destruction of San Francisco dim sum spot Hong Kong Lounge II, HK Lounge Bistro has opened as a new and improved version of its predecessor. 这家餐厅将继续提供当地人最喜欢的经典菜肴,如上海饺子和香脆猪肉包, 同时在菜单中加入一些新项目. 

Eat at HK Lounge Bistro
New and Notable


149 Fell St.

品尝菜单上有大约20道菜,突出了北欧美食和复杂的技术,如腌制, drying, and fermentation, 从而产生引人注目的风味组合.

先从酥脆膨化的牛腱或乳鸽胸开始, 涂上烧焦的蜂蜜,配上松露果汁. Kiln combines delicately paired flavors with visually stunning presentation; each dish is its own work of art.

Eat at Kiln
One Star

Kin Khao

55 Cyril Magnin St.

位于Parc 55酒店, 距离鲍威尔街和市场街的喧嚣仅几步之遥, Kin Khao是一家很棒的泰国餐馆. 他们的鸡翅又大又辣,不容错过.

Eat at Kin Khao
Two Stars

Lazy Bear

3416 19th St.

A communal dining experience has never felt quite as good as it does now. 围坐在米其林星级慵懒熊餐厅的餐桌旁,与你的同伴一起学习厨师David Barzelay和他才华横溢的团队如何制作你很快就会喜欢的多汁菜肴. 

Eat at Lazy Bear
One Star

Mister Jiu’s

28 Waverly Pl.

A relative newcomer, 九先生怒气冲冲地走出了大门, 在开业的第一年就获得了米其林第一颗星. The cuisine at this buzzy Chinatown restaurant continues to impress. 

Eat at Mister Jiu's
New and Notable


555 2nd St.

位于距离甲骨文公园几步之遥, 这家餐厅会议休息室是一个独特的地方,脱颖而出的不仅仅是其时尚的装饰和卓越的热情好客. Its small menu that brilliantly combines Mexican and Persian cuisines sets it apart.

一些必尝的菜肴包括碧绿的aguachile里的大比目鱼,或者上面放着浓郁的牛油果的烤玉米饼. Another favorite is the fried poblano pepper filled with a savory rice mixture, spiced lamb, and queso Oaxaca.

Eat at Miovida
One Star


1625 Post St.

位于标志性的歌舞伎酒店, this beautiful restaurant delivers with a dramatic setting and laser-focused cooking. 厨师Pim Techamuanvivit在菜肴中展示了她的个性和精致的味觉,将梦幻般的加州食材与当代泰式风味结合在一起. 

Eat at Nari
One Star

Niku Steakhouse

61 Division St.

位于贝博体彩app的设计区, Niku Steakhouse是一家以肉类为主的餐厅, 强调内部干式陈酿项目, and exclusive cuts of coveted Japanese A5 wagyu with an emphasis on wood-fired cooking. 这不仅仅是获奖,尼库也是 贝博体彩app最好的牛排馆.

Eat at Niku Steakhouse
New and Notable

Noodle in a Haystack

4601 Geary Blvd. 

每个贝博体彩app人都知道,要在当地获得“最佳拉面”的声誉几乎是不可能的. For Yoko and Clint Tan, who have introduced a quirky take on such a potentially simple dish, 这似乎不是不可能的. Noodle in a Haystack offers a seasonal menu that is constantly changing and ever-so-suprising. 

One Star

O’ by Claude Le Tohic

165 O'Farrell St.

One65的三楼坐落着贝博体彩app的一个必吃场所:一个多层次的法国概念餐厅,让人想起意大利餐厅品牌, Eataly. The O’ from O’Farrell reminded Le Tohic of the French “eau,” meaning water. From this, Le Tohic亲自开发了一个精致的烹饪概念和基于水元素的菜单, fire and earth. 豪华但不矫情,O '提供现代法国美食与优雅周到的服务.

Eat at O
One Star


2875 18th St.

Osito 一家社区驱动的实弹餐厅在 Mission District featuring the bounty of San Francisco Bay Area’s rich agricultural heritage. 柴火为他们季节性的烹饪增添了活力, as the cuisine attempts to evoke the natural beauty of coastal California.

Eat at Osito
New and Notable

Prik Hom

3226 Geary Blvd. 

在劳雷尔村的这家新开的泰国餐厅里,主厨吉姆·苏万潘尼亚一手完善了咖喱的艺术. It has already become a staple for neighborhood locals and visitors alike.

Eat at Prik Hom
One Star

The Progress

1525 Fillmore St.

Created by chefs Stuart Brioza and Nicole Krasinski, The Progress offers brunch and dinner menus. The brunch menu offers everything from steamed egg tofu to smoked bacon bratwurst.

Eat at the Progress
Three Stars


470 Pacific Ave.

With ingredients delivered each day from farms in the East Bay and wine country, 昆斯的食物无疑是新鲜的. Another three-star winner, Quince is a decadent downtown destination.

Eat at Quince
One Star

Restaurant Nisei

2316 Polk St.

Nisei于2019年以一家快闪餐厅起家, hosting a 10-course tasting menu around the Bay Area from Chef David Yoshimura. It has now settled in the Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco. The tasting menu is based on California Washoku cuisine—Washoku meaning “harmony of food,也被称为日本的“家常菜”. The philosophy of Washoku focuses on principles emphasizing the balance of color, taste preparations, sense, and respect for food.

Eat at Restaurant Nisei
New and Notable

Rosemary and Pine

1725 Alameda St. 

这个阳光明媚的新增加的设计区提供的菜单基于主厨达斯汀猎鹰的生活经验, 同时扎根于加州的成分和影响力. Whether it be for brunch, lunch or dinner, Rosemary and Pine’s masterfully prepared dishes and cocktails are a must-try.

Eat at Rosemary and Pine
Two Stars


178 Townsend St.

几乎完全依靠他们的柴火烤箱, the talented cooks at Saison can create an infinite combination of dishes from the fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, 还有他们从供应商那里得到的鱼. 

Eat at Saison
One Star

San Ho Wan

2170 Bryant St.

这是Corey Lee主厨在这个榜单上的第二家餐厅, 这是最新添加的, 是与黄正仁的合作. 他们有一个共同的愿景,那就是开一家休闲的韩国餐厅,使用最好的食材和细致的技术,在合适的木炭上烹饪真正的烧烤.

Eat at San Ho Won
One Star

The Shota

115 Sansome St.

The Shota offers Edomae-style omakase sushi and a Kaiseki-inspired dishes. 使用从东京著名的筑地鱼市场采购并空运的季节性海鲜, Japan, 厨师们保持最高的品质,并使用传统的edomae技术(如陈化)确保其真实性, curing, and marinating.

Eat the Shota
One Star

Sons & Daughters

708 Bush St.

With a nine-course tasting menu heavily reliant on fresh produce, Sons & 《贝博体彩app》是所有来贝博体彩app的素食游客的必选之作.

Eat at Sons & Daughters
One Star


3228 Sacramento St.

你可能不会想到,在意大利风味餐厅的菜单上,最好的菜就是烤鸭, 但你还没去过索莱尔呢. 在众多优秀的选择中,这道主菜经常赢得盛赞.

Eat at Sorrel
One Star


2226 Polk St.

SSAL是一个复杂的餐厅,提供品尝菜单的韩国风味的美食,是海鲜前进. 内部是最小的, 每个人用餐时都能看到开放式厨房, 确保食物是节目的主角.

Eat at SSAL
One Star

State Bird Provisions

1529 Fillmore St.

厨师Stuart Brioza和Nicole Krasinski的第一个作品, State Bird Provisions提供创造性的加州美食,通过点心车送到您的餐桌上. 
